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Wherever you are right now, take a moment to know that all things are exactly as they should be. Look around and notice what in your life has fallen into place that had every purpose in the world to be exactly that way. Now, take a moment to see beyond where you are and to think about your life with new wonder, with new eyes. Look at your life as this wonderful story that is unfolding all of the time. You aren’t in a race to get where you are going, you are simply unfolding.

We are all so busy living in our heads that we forget about this wonderful body we’ve been given that has and will do the most magnificent things. I know I’ve mentioned the mirror exercise before but to restate – stand in front of a mirror and look at your body. Familiarize yourself with who you are. Sometimes I’ll notice I’m stressed out and not sleeping or eating right and then I think about what I’m doing to my body that is trying to do its best keeping me healthy and vibrant (on a good day!) I also try to remember the awe of when I had my two daughters. Imagine a body pulling that off!! Isn’t that crazy?!? So – give yourself some time to feel yourself inside your glorious body.

Where do you see yourself in the future? Think about all of the potential realities ahead of you and be as dreamy as you can. Have you published that book you’ve wanted to write? Have you gotten that new car? Did you find that stay-at-home job so you can spend time with your kids? Think big!!

If you keep on clinging to who are you are right now you will miss the opportunity to meet that future, amazing version of yourself. Let go and see what happens!

Well, to all of you that “rained on my parade” about the new puppy I do have to admit that it’s been a bit of a storm. The puppy just started sleeping through the night but it was a good two weeks of total lack of sleep and that made for a pretty crazy home w. pretty crazy, sleep deprived people.

Things have really evened out, though. We all know what to expect, including the puppy. We are getting to know each other and a puppy will be a puppy. Her attention goes from one thing to the next in seconds. She’ll start destroying things if she’s bored. She wants to run free and do whatever she wants at any moment.

It got me thinking about the “puppy mind” that some call the stream of thoughts that we experience when we want to calm our mind and meditate. Here we are, trying to be still, and our mind is completely out of control on this thing or that and completely un-tamable.

What to do? Well, first you must notice your mind. It’s the puppy that is trying to get attention. Then, notice the thoughts as thoughts. Something like, “I’m thinking about my job now. These are nervous thoughts about a presentation I’m doing on Monday.” Labeling thoughts and feelings takes some of the power out of them.

Then, if you are going to meditate, simply ask the thoughts to rest for a while. They can play later.

Want to try a free meditation? Visit my Enlightened Meditations site for your free download!

Best wishes for a great long weekend!!
~ Sonia

This is applicable to hours, days, months, years & lifetimes. You are given a certain amount of energy to spend and it’s up to you how to spend it. If that was explained in terms of money, you’d spend it all on things you wanted, things you love, gifts for people you love, peaceful vacation – look at all of those things as ways to spend your mental (and physical) energy. You can spend your mental energy thinking about, enjoying, fully living with things and people that you love and enjoy. Or… you can spend energy worrying about something, being angry about nothing, never spending time with people or things you love… Your choice!

Spend greatly!
~ Sonia

One powerful exercise that I ask my clients to do is to look at themselves in a mirror. In most cases, it’s a really hard thing to do. Stand in front of a full-length mirror (clothed or unclothed) and look at your body. Then, look at your face. What is your expression? Is it pride? Is it looking “lost” or confused? Is it sadness? Have you already criticized yourself within the first minute of looking at yourself? Why is that? This is you! It’s your amazing body that keeps you alive and well. It’s your beautiful face. I know I have said things about myself that no one would ever say to me, without any compassion. Do you really know yourself? Look into your eyes. What are you trying to say to yourself? Honestly, a lot of people can’t even do it for two full minutes. If you can, write down what comes up for you in a journal. Try the exercise again when you feel you can. The goal is to end up loving who you are as you are.

Hopefully the person that said this to me won’t read this post!! I know I’m taking a chance here but I think it’s important that if she feels this way, others might as well. I was telling her that my husband and I are producing guided meditations and she said she’s not interested… she has her own religion. Imagine that! So, let me set the record straight…

According to the Mayo clinic:

Meditation, considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine, produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process results in enhanced physical and emotional well-being.

as to the power of meditation:

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. And these benefits don’t end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day and improve certain medical conditions.

No time to meditate? That’s a tough one – but, how about 5 or 10 min when you get into your car at the end of the day BEFORE YOU START TO DRIVE play a guided visualization. Wake up 10 min. earlier? Concentrate on your breath and how the water feels while in the shower? While at work, stop and close your eyes for 5 min. Personally, I think it’s critical to overall health. So – close your eyes and mull this over a bit – and breathe…

~ Sonia
Get a *FREE* visualization meditation at

Mayo Clinic article:



“Grounding” yourself means, literally, getting out of your head and your thoughts and coming back down to earth.

The best way to ground your energy is to literally take to the ground. Try hiking, camping, skiing… Gardening is a great way to connect to the ground and have earth and soil right in your hands. Plus, studies show that gardening can boost your mood and burn calories to garden PLUS the home-grown benefits!!

Taking a look at your diet is essential. Try to eat foods that are alive and come straight from the earth. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is the best way to do that!

Yoga is a great way to ground yourself. Notice where your body touches the ground in the different poses. Be sure to end with the Savasana pose, also known as “corpse” pose. The pose is done by laying down flat on the ground upon the earth – and, opposite of the name, you’ll feel more alive by doing it!

~ Sonia

A few days ago I talked about having “wide angle vision” If you are focused too much on anything, use your peripheral vision to take in the areas that are at your sides rather than rigidly looking only at whatever is happening in your life that has sabotaged your life/time/attention.

So – here is another “angle”. Look at the moon. Look at the sky. Look at the clouds. Take in the magnitude of the things around you, the awe of the vastness of our universe. Then… put into perspective how small our troubles are.

~ Sonia

Well, if it would warm up here in the Northeast or if the sun would ever shine – it would be spring. And, at this time of year we naturally think “in with the new and out with the old”. Losing “clutter” which are things that no longer serve you. It might mean actual stuff around the house that has no place anymore – on the shelf or in your life! It also refers to the clutter within your body, such as weight. It can also be thoughts and/or beliefs that no longer serve you. Take some time to think about what that might be. Organizing or clearing out clutter in a room of your house is a form of self care. It’s a gift you give yourself. So – don’t find it daunting! Start one thing at a time and soon you’ll be able to create a comfortable space.

I have a feeling I’ll do more posts on this topic!

Until next time…

~ Sonia

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